I will teach u how to Learn Java the easy way

We present a unique way of quickly learning java in order to graduate to bigger and better things. It is unique because i just want to do the MUST haves for now. First I want you to be able to understand the http request and response protocol so this is why we use a java servlet. It is the http client for Java. Then we want to understand sql and need to be able to do for loops on collections of data and render to html. We move on to a simple front end plain JS format for this where we use axios which is the js http client to fetch data. Eventually after we master these skills we can move on to the AWS platform and to Lambda with an S3 based JSON NoSQL database. Now we are serverless and doing the latest technology using AWS. But we use Easier Java as a springboard to get there. This crash course approach is a fast track methodology designed to use ONLY the very essentials so u can literally get there in days. Then it is up to u to fill in all the blanks. PS, by implementing an AWS Lambda Function, we eliminate the need for Java in certain use cases.

To get started click on my newest Servlet and JDBC Tutorials at my Homepage

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